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The Great Kushani Wall is a series of interconnected walls which surround and divide the entirety of the Kushani Empire. It is manned by the Kushan royal army.

The Kushan rely on their large population to defend the wall, utilizing ranged weapons such as arrows and artillery. Volunteer guards patrol the wall scanning the horizon looking for armies, raiding parties, and approaching siege weapons. If spotted the guards light beacons signalling an approaching attack. Troops stationed on the wall from the regular army arrive to guard these sections of the wall when the beacons are lit, usually arriving hours before their foe.

Winged scout riders often fly near the border to give a higher view of the situation to relay the size and position of enemy forces when they approach. The Kushani rely primarily on their longbow archers to fight from the tops of the wall. Vegetation within firing distance is regularly cleared in order to deny the enemy cover.

The Easternmost section, bordering the Goran territory, is the tallest section of the wall, and connects to the large defensive wall defended by the Circle of Friends known as The Wall at its Northeast point. Kushan relies on the high altitudes, rough terrain, and freezing weather to prevent the Goran from moving south of the wall.

The wall, being a very tall, wide structure, actually creates a climate effect which protects Kushan from the frigid temperatures and high winds of the frozen tundra which their southern section would otherwise be part of.
